
Solar / October 13, 2017

Stop Feeling Drained

Learn How to Slay Pain-in-the-Neck Energy Bills—For Good

If you find yourself facing frighteningly high energy bills month after month, then beware: Energy vampires are roaming around your space. They’re feeding off of your home’s energy and nibbling away at your budget. You must stop these creatures before they suck your budget and your peace of mind dry.

Well, calm your fears. San Diego’s solar power experts, Mauzy Heating, Air & Solar, are here to help you slay these vampires—and your high energy bills—once and for all.

Don’t Feed Into Their Tricks

Vampires need blood to stay alive. However, energy vampires are different. They thrive off of your home’s electricity. To do this, these masters of disguise will assume your appliances’ and devices’ identity, which permits them to sink their fangs into your home’s electricity and feed off of it.

But watch out: As long as these vampires are plugged in, they’ll continue feeding and draining your power. So unplug them to weaken their strength.

Take Reign Over Their Power

Garlic doesn’t kill a vampire. However, it burns them, which provides time to escape. Well, when it comes to energy vampires, power strips work the same way. They make it easier for you to get a head start.

Since they serve various devices, power strips allow you to yank out multiple fangs at the same time with just the flip of a switch. So, instead of running around your home yanking out every cord you see, plug into peace of mind with a power strip.

Bring Their Weaknesses to Light

Since silver is a vampire’s weakness, protecting yourself from getting bitten is as simple as carrying around a silver coin. For energy vampires, the equivalent of silver is an energy-efficient light bulb. You can light your way to safety—and savings—by replacing all of your incandescent light bulbs with bright and energy-efficient LED bulbs.

Radiate Your Strength

Even though vampires and energy vampires differ in many ways, they share a mortal enemy: the sun. You see, it has the power to completely disintegrate them, which slays your costly energy bills, too. In fact, over the last year, homeowners who switched to solar in San Diego, CA, saved hundreds of dollars.

But before you learn how to lure a vampire into sunlight, you must learn about all of the benefits that come with switching to solar energy. This includes:

– Saving on electric bills
– Generating passive income
– Boosting your home’s property value
– Bettering the environment
– Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
– Lessening our dependence on imported fuels
– …And so much more!

Most importantly, the right solar solution gives your home the sufficient power it needs to slay those energy vampires. This, in turn, stops them from draining your space’s energy and your wallet. Essentially, switching to solar energy is biting back at these evil creatures.

Bats Off to a More Energy-Efficient Home

It’s time to put those expensive energy bills in their coffin and nail it shut. To do this, switch to solar energy and enjoy a more fang-tasticly affordable energy bill. Start by filling out our online form or calling us at 800.413.MAUZY[6289] today!

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