
HVAC Tips / March 26, 2019

HVAC Damage Due to Power Surge and Preventive Measures

Updated 7/11/2024

Power surges are a common yet often underestimated threat to home appliances, particularly Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. This comprehensive guide will explore the potential damages caused by power surges, preventive measures, and important considerations for homeowners.

Understanding Power Surges

What is a Power Surge?

A power surge is a temporary spike in electrical supply that can last for microseconds to several seconds. While brief, these surges can cause significant damage to electronic devices and appliances.

Causes of Power Surges

Power surges can originate from various sources:

  • External factors:
    • Lightning strikes
    • Damage to power lines
    • Utility company operations
  • Internal factors:
    • Large appliances cycling on and off
    • Faulty wiring
    • Overloaded circuits

Types of Power Disturbances

  1. Power Surges: Sudden increases in voltage
  2. Brownouts: Temporary drops in voltage
  3. Blackouts: Complete loss of power

Potential Damages to HVAC Systems

Power surges can wreak havoc on various components of your HVAC system. Let’s examine the most vulnerable parts:

1. Control Board

  • Function: The “brain” of the HVAC system
  • Vulnerability: Contains sensitive electronic components
  • Potential damage: Fried circuits, rendering the system inoperable

2. Compressor Motor

  • Function: Compresses refrigerant to facilitate heat exchange
  • Vulnerability: Electrical windings susceptible to overheating
  • Potential damage: Burned-out motor, leading to compressor failure

3. Capacitors

  • Function: Store energy for motor start-up
  • Vulnerability: Sensitive to voltage fluctuations
  • Potential damage: Overheating and rupture, causing motor start-up issues

4. Relay Switches

  • Function: Control high-voltage components like the compressor
  • Vulnerability: Coils can be damaged by excessive current
  • Potential damage: Burnt coils, preventing proper switching

5. Circuit Boards

  • Function: Control various HVAC functions
  • Vulnerability: Sensitive electronic components
  • Potential damage: Short circuits, component failure

6. Fuses

  • Function: Protect against overcurrent
  • Vulnerability: Can blow due to sudden voltage spikes
  • Potential damage: Blown fuses, interrupting power to HVAC components

7. Contractors

  • Function: Control electrical flow to major components
  • Vulnerability: Can weld shut or fail to close properly
  • Potential damage: Stuck contactors, causing system malfunction

Preventive Measures

Protecting your HVAC system from power surge damage is crucial. Here are some effective preventive measures:

1. Whole House Surge Protector

  • Install at the main electrical panel
  • Protects all circuits in the home
  • Effective against external surges

2. Dedicated HVAC Surge Protector

  • Install near the HVAC unit
  • Provides additional protection for the system
  • Helps safeguard against both external and internal surges

3. Regular Electrical Maintenance

  • Schedule annual inspections by licensed electricians
  • Ensure proper grounding of all electrical systems
  • Replace outdated or damaged wiring

4. Proper Circuit Management

  • Avoid overloading circuits
  • Distribute high-power appliances across different circuits
  • Consider upgrading your electrical panel if necessary

5. HVAC Maintenance

  • Schedule regular HVAC tune-ups
  • Ensure all electrical connections are tight
  • Replace worn or damaged electrical components promptly

6. Power Down During Storms

  • Turn off and unplug the HVAC system during severe weather
  • Use a programmable thermostat for easy control

7. Joule Rating Considerations

  • Choose surge protectors with appropriate Joule ratings
  • Higher Joule ratings offer better protection against powerful surges

HVAC Warranty and Insurance Considerations

HVAC Warranty

  • Review your HVAC warranty terms
  • Some warranties may not cover surge-related damage
  • Consider extended warranties that include surge protection

Homeowners Insurance

  • Check your policy for surge damage coverage
  • Some policies may require additional riders for full protection
  • Document all surge-related incidents and damages

Role of Utility Companies and Electricians

Utility Company Responsibilities

  • Maintain power distribution infrastructure
  • Respond to outages and power quality issues
  • Provide information on local power conditions

When to Call an Electrician

  • After a major surge event
  • If you notice frequent minor surges
  • To install whole-house surge protection
  • For electrical system upgrades or repairs

Dealing with Power Surge Aftermath

If your HVAC system has been affected by a power surge:

  1. Turn off the system immediately
  2. Inspect for visible damage or burning odors
  3. Contact a licensed HVAC technician for assessment
  4. Document all damages for insurance purposes
  5. Consider upgrading your surge protection measures

Hire Mauzy Professionals for HVAC & Electrical Services

Power surges pose a significant threat to HVAC systems, potentially causing expensive damage to critical components. By understanding the risks and implementing appropriate preventive measures, homeowners can protect their investments and ensure the longevity of their HVAC systems.

Regular maintenance, proper surge protection, and awareness of electrical system health are key factors in mitigating the risks associated with power surges. Remember that while the initial cost of preventive measures may seem high, it pales in comparison to the potential expense of repairing or replacing a damaged HVAC system.

Call Mauzy today for your HVAC systems maintenance and repair needs!

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